I want more Yoga with Grace!
You asked, I listened!
The feedback from my 5 Days with Grace focused sessions were so positive with requests for more, so I listened and created 7 Days with Grace…more focused classes, just 15 minutes each, to add more variety and meet varying needs for your daily yoga practice.
I know how challenging it is to squeeze ‘ME’ time into my day and that’s why these 15 minute sessions are so popular.
The feedback I have received is that they are easy to follow, great for beginners and short and sweet giving you no excuse for not being able to squeeze 15 minutes of yoga into the day!
So I have created more accessible classes to bring more yoga into your life.
What do you get inside 7 Days with Grace?
1: Back to Basics (Gentle flow with all the essentials for an overall feel good experience)
2: Legs & Lunges (Find stability and strength in the legs)
3: Bring Back Balance (Standing postures that work on balance & focus for body and mind)
4: Time to Twist (Rinse out the internal organs with some delicious twists)
5: Move Those Hips (Hip mobility sequence, releasing emotional blockages)
6: Stretch Your Shoulders (Release tension around the head, neck & shoulders)
7: Sun Flow (An energetic sun salutation flow)
And… there’s more, of course!
As well as these 7 Focused 15 minute Yoga sessions, you receive 3 Bonus sessions with me.
Bonus 1: Moon Flow (Tune inward with a gentle moon flow)
Bonus 2: Good Morning Yoga (a gentle 8 minute routine you can do in bed when you wake up, starting the day fresh, with truth and confidence)
Bonus 3: Deep Sleep Restorative Yoga (a 45 minute restorative yoga routine you can pick and choose from to aid for a good night sleep)
So in total, that’s 10 sessions with me……available, anytime & anywhere…
What are you waiting for?
Jump inside and get your flow on! :)
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